Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bigger and better things

I think I am finished with this blog. It has been a favorite outlet and escape for me, but I have a new blog, and to be honest, there is a whole lot I am moving on from in my life. I thought I would keep this blog for my poetry but I can't seem to go back to it. I think this is a positive thing. Further up and further in.

You can find me here:


  1. Ack...evveryone is leaving me for wordpresss....I guess someday I'll have to make the move too.

    1. Ugh, I'm sorry. :( I always said I hated wordpress and preferred Blogger. And I do like Blogger better. There are just too many things I wrote about on this blog that I wouldn't erase or change but I'm leaving them behind and I just can't go back to it. I will still have my profile and follow everyone though. :)

  2. hmmm. Yeah, I have no idea what you went through but at sounded very emotionally trying from the poetry I could see late 2012. Good luck, and I hope that as your life changes it is filled with the glory and joy of the Lord. Thanks so much for visiting my blog before you left! I've been absent from the blogging world for a long time, but I'm hoping to post more in the future. I guess I'll have to check out the new wordpress account. :)
