Sunday, June 19, 2011

He stands there and talks for 45 minutes, 
two times on Sunday, every single week. 
But he's not just talking.  
He's looking out at us, 
and searching to unlock your heart and flow love inside you. 
He's not just a preacher, 
he's a lover of souls,
a lover of hearts. 
And God's given him an incredible gift of grace, 
a deep inner gift to see beauty in those all around him. 
You can see it in his eyes, 
it's like he's saying, 
while he looks and smiles at each one of us, 
"Wow, God, how much I love them. 
Wow, God, how much You love them." 
And you can tell he wants to let us know that.

I love my pastor. 


  1. This is so well said, Londa! Someone really needs to share this with him.

  2. Thank you! Isaiah took the initiative and sent it to him. :)
