Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The last day...

I'm sorry to say I did not post anything yesterday. I was going to last night, but it was pretty late when my brother and I got home from our choir concert. There wasn't much excitement for me before the concert -- I didn't feel like I knew my music very well, and it was sort of a 'make-up' concert anyway. But it was fabulous. As soon as I got there, I remembered why I love choir -- my director is amazing. I think I shall always prefer theatre, but this was probably the biggest audience I've performed for, so that was fun.

Today is the last day of November. With December coming up very quickly, I look forward to a busy month, filled with caroling and christmas parties, and Christmas day itself, and I also look ahead to what is beyond Christmas. The new year. A time to start again, to make resolutions, to try once more to be a faithful daughter of God. Another year in my life.

Jesus talks so much about life. About living it for God, and giving it for others. He said that 'greater love has no one than this than to lay down his life for his friends'. That's pretty big. Laying down your life for your friends. Dying for your friends. But you know what's bigger? You know what's even harder? It's living for them. I can pretty confidently say that I would rather die than have one of my family members or friends die. But how can I die for someone I'm not living for? We say that we need to be ready to die for our friends, but we can't be ready for that until we are living for them.

So today I'm thankful for life. Thankful that Jesus gave up his own life so that I could live. But I'm also praying, as I look forward to another year in my life, that God would give me grace to live for my friends and family, and especially to live for him. So I can be ready to lay down my life for them. For him.

To God be the glory.